retributi Judith Graves
commits suicide, Raven starts snooping around.
She learns there have been a number of similar
deaths recently, and the deceased all had one
thing in common: issues with anxiety. With help
from Team Retribution, Raven links the deaths
to an unauthorized drug trial. She soon realizes
that she needs to get on the inside. Before long
things get out of control, and Raven’s not sure if
she’s undercover or under the influence.
retributi Judith Graves
commits suicide, Raven starts snooping around.
She learns there have been a number of similar
deaths recently, and the deceased all had one
thing in common: issues with anxiety. With help
from Team Retribution, Raven links the deaths
to an unauthorized drug trial. She soon realizes
that she needs to get on the inside. Before long
things get out of control, and Raven’s not sure if
she’s undercover or under the influence.
Judith graves
Copyright © 2017 Judith Graves
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Graves, Judith, author
Infiltrate / Judith Graves.
Issued in print and electronic formats.
isbn 978-1-4598-0723-5 (softcover).—isbn 978-1-4598-1488-2 (pdf).—
isbn 978-1-4598-1489-9 (epub)
I. Title. II. Series: Retribution (Victoria, B.C.)
ps8613.r3827i54 2017 jc813'.6 c2017-900844-7
First published in the United States, 2017
Library of Congress Control Number: 2017933014
Summary: In this installment of the high-interest Retribution series, Raven goes undercover to find the link between a pharmaceutical company and a wave of teen suicides.
Orca Book Publishers is dedicated to preserving the environment and has printed this book on Forest Stewardship Council ® certified paper.
Orca Book Publishers gratefully acknowledges the support for its publishing programs provided by the following agencies: the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund and the Canada Council for the Arts, and the Province of British Columbia through the BC Arts Council and the Book Publishing Tax Credit.
Edited by Tanya Trafford
Cover image by
Author photo by Curtis Comeau
orca book publishers
Printed and bound in Canada.
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To Brenda—my sister,
cheerleader and best friend.
in·fil·trate (in-ˈfil-ˌtrāt)
to enter or become established in
gradually or unobtrusively, usually for
subversive purposes
The monsters are back.
I run for the hall closet. I almost don’t
fit, but I push and shove and squish myself
inside. I lean on stinking clothes and junk
piled nearly as tall as I am. My breathing is
nothing but harsh pants. Too loud. They’ll
hear me. Find me. I cup a hand over my
face to muffle the sounds.
This wasn’t my smartest move. Our
apartment is only on the second floor.
I should have climbed out my bedroom
window and jumped the few feet to the
ground. Waited until it was safe to return.
I’ve done it before.
j u d i t h g r a v e s
But I’d thought the monsters were gone for
good. They’d promised. Now I’m pretty much
trapped, and they know my hiding places.
Footsteps pound down the hallway.
“Where’d you get to, little bird?” one low
voice asks. It sounds like my father, but I
know better.
My whole body trembles.
“Don’t you want to see what we’ve got
for you?” This voice sounds so much like my
mother’s. But it’s rougher. Desperate.
I don’t want to see what they have for me.
Nothing good ever comes from the monsters.
Heavy thuds. Close. Loud.
My heart knocks hard in my ears. I
burrow deep into the mounds of dirty clothes
and drag what I can over my head. If I’m
small enough, quiet enough, just maybe…
The door jerks open and light floods the
closet, seeping through the gaps between
sweaters and ripped jeans to edge my skin
in a golden glow. They’ll see me for sure.
A scream sticks in my throat. I stay absolutely
still. I hold my breath. I hold on to nothing
i n f i l t r a t e
and pretend I’m not here—I’m somewhere
else. I’m some one else. A queen in a castle.
A wizard working a spell. A girl safe in her
own home.
The comforting weight of the clothes is
suddenly gone. I gasp at the painful grip on
my arm. It’s all too real. And so am I.
No getting away this time.
“There she is, there’s our little Raven.”
The monsters close in. They rip me apart.
I let the scream out then. And another.
And another.
I jolted awake and slid out of bed,
disoriented. The dream lingered, the
terror sticking close like an old frenemy. I
pulled on some clothes and decided it was
time to climb. The fact that it was 4:30 am
didn’t matter.
Climbing kept the monsters where
they belonged.
In my nightmares.
I scaled the steel underbelly of the
Burrard Street Bridge. A foggy haze
blanketed the churning water below.
I planted my feet on the rusted beam I’d
been navigating for the last ten minutes
and caught my breath. I released my
hold on the taut suspension cable to take
a quick swipe at the moisture collecting
on my top lip.
It hadn’t been raining when I set
out for a bit of soloing, but hey, this was
Vancouver. In the fall. It rained at least
once a day, no ifs, ands or buts.
i n f i l t r a t e
Most people just weren’t climbing
bridges during the downpour, trying to
forget what should have been forgotten
long ago.
A thrum of wings in my ear had me
ducking out of range as a pigeon swooped
by my head to perch on an opposing
beam. Beady black eyes fixed on mine.
“Waiting to see if I fall?” I made my
way forward, careful to avoid the pools
of water building in the beam’s ruts
and cavities. Last thing I needed was an
unwanted dip in False Creek. “You never
know. I might surprise you, Beady Eyes,
and just fly on out of here. My name is
Raven, after all.”
The pigeon tilted its head, puffed its
feathers and cooed smugly. I could almost
hear its thoughts. A girl who can fly. Riiight.
Yeah, that scenario wasn’t too likely.
I was no superhero with the ability to fly
or melt things with my mind. But I was
still about 98 percent certain I’d make it
j u d i t h g r a v e s
up the support tower. I’d plotted my route
carefully, and the only tricky stretch left
was straight ahead. I had random patches
of scaffolding to contend with, thanks to
certain sections of the bridge being under
I reached for a pipe overhead and
swung through a gap in the crisscross of
steel pipes, releasing my grip just as my
feet made contact with the waterlogged
wooden platform. My trail-running shoes
hydroplaned across the surface, and I
dropped to my knees. They took a beating
at the heavy impact, but if I hadn’t, my
momentum would have propelled me
over the edge.
I sucked in a breath. That had been
way, waaay too close for comfort.
At my back, Beady Eyes cooed,
sounding vaguely disappointed.
I began to climb the tower. It was
easier on this side without all the
scaffolding and work-tool clutter. Funny—
the construction workers were tied in
i n f i l t r a t e
when they worked at this height, and here
I was, moving past all their various rigging
without a care. “Bye-bye, birdy.”
I never did like pigeons much. I’d had
far too many run-ins with them during
my climbs. You knew those birds were
aiming for you when they had to do their
business. They were strategic poopers,
precise aerial bombers, almost always
hitting their targets with goopy, stinking
Finally I reached the top, without a
single misstep or bird-dropping situation.
Success. Of course, the rain started to slow
the second I was out of danger. I sat on
the concrete railing, legs dangling over
the edge, and watched the morning sun
begin to burn through the cloud cover. The
bridge, built sometime in the 1930s, stood
about eighty feet above the waterline,
with impressive art-deco towers. It was
one of my favorite structures to climb,
even if the recent construction took away
some of the true climb. I loved that the
j u d i t h g r a v e s
city wasn’t giving up on the old bridge and
was doing the required upkeep.
Just because something was old school
didn’t mean it wasn’t worthy of respect.
I thought of my houseboat, a clunker
from the ’80s, but still my safe haven, my
home and my escape plan. Big Daddy had
been moored for the last few years, but
I kept it seaworthy in case I needed to
make a clean break. So far I’d been lucky.
But I knew, better than most, that your
life could get swept up in a squall when
you least expected it.
Actually, the last few weeks had been
all about changing course. Adjusting and
figuring out how to live this new life I had
going. My old boss, Diesel, was no longer
calling the shots. He’d led the car-theft
ring I’d worked for. A criminal. And yet
he was the man who’d kept me off the
streets, given me a specific skill set—a
purpose. But then he’d betrayed my trust.
He’d been better than family, or so I’d
thought, but when I’d learned the truth,
i n f i l t r a t e
what he was capable of, I’d exposed him
for the monster he was. Life as I’d known
it had changed, forever. No more stealing
cars, no more high pressure or constant
threats. Just infinite possibilities.
I’d learned that that could be scarier
than having no possibilities at all. Having
options meant more ways to screw up.
With only myself to blame if things went
south. Without the distractions of living
at the warehouse with the other chop-
shop kids, I had to focus on my future.
Decide what I wanted out of my life.
Who I was willing to trust and who now
trusted me, like the kids who contacted
Team Retribution for help. The team—Jo,
Jace, Bentley and me—was the only thing
keeping me going right now, although it
caused a new kind of stress.
With new kinds of complications.
Like Emmett, the guy I was seriously
crushing on. He was a cop’s kid, and in
his case—it was cliché but oh so true—
the apple hadn’t fallen far from the tree.
j u d i t h g r a v e s
He wanted to know more about me—
where I lived, for example, or where my
parents were, or why I took such risks
with the team. The more I deflected, the
more he dug in his heels. He’d figured a
few things out, but still had questions I
couldn’t answer. Not yet.
The nightmare flashed through my
mind. Maybe not ever. How could someone
like him understand the way I’d lived?
What I’d done? What I continued to do?
All his life Emmett had been surrounded
by good. Protected. He still believed in the
system while I bucked it at every turn.
I squinted down at the street below.
The fog had thickened, surrounding the
city in a heavy mist. With visibility this
bad, I decided to stay on the up side of the
bridge and make my way home. Swinging
a leg over the railing, I hopped down onto
one of the narrow walkways.
A scuffling sound drew my attention.
I spun to see a girl about my age on the
i n f i l t r a t e
opposite side of the bridge. She was
standing on the railing, one arm wrapped
tightly around the section’s support beam.
With her back to me, she was unaware of
my presence. Her arms were trembling, br />
and no wonder—she was wearing just a
tank top and shorts.
Must have been freezing up there,
exposed to the wind.
I fought the urge to call out. I didn’t
want to startle her. My feet moved swift
and silent on the damp concrete. I had
to get closer and see what was going on.
A few steps in, my heart began to
jackhammer behind my ribs. No way
was this a fellow climber out for an
early-morning challenge. The girl was
off balance, in more ways than one.
She stared down into the fog like it had all
the answers.
What if she was planning to…
“Hey, what are you doing up there?”
The words tumbled from my mouth.
j u d i t h g r a v e s
The girl shot me a quick look, then
stepped farther from the support beam.
Wobbled on the railing.
“Don’t! Please don’t,” I pleaded as I
charged down the bridge at full speed.
But instead of leaping off the bridge
to certain death, the girl crouched, placed
her hands on the railing and hopped back
down to the bridge’s concrete surface.
She turned and sprinted into the fog.
“Wait! Are you okay? I just want to
make sure you’re all right.” I slowed to a
stop when the fog swallowed her form
I kicked off my shoes and tugged my
hoodie over my head. Went to drape it
over a chair to dry, but it fell with a lifeless
thud to the wood floor.
I let out a sigh.
Adapt and Overcome was a great
motto to have when I was in the zone,
scaling buildings and vaulting into space,
but on Big Daddy I liked things in order.
Consistent. So I was mighty mad when,
as I tried to slip quietly into the cabin,
my shin met the hard corner of the heavy
wood chair that had no business being in
the middle of the room.
j u d i t h g r a v e s
“What the…” I grumbled under my
breath and sidestepped around the chair.
That’s the thing about living on a small
boat. Its cave-like darkness. Maybe I
needed to invest in some string lights to
provide a bit of a glow. I crept closer to
the wall, searching for the light switch,
and stubbed my toe on another piece of
furniture not where it should be.
I swore, hopping on one foot as the
pain traveled up my leg and straight to
my stomach. Ugh. A broken toe was
all I needed. And after my nightmare